Friday, July 24, 2009

Who Is This Idiot - Blog Hop '09

I know there are lots of you ladies out there who are sad that you didn't get to go to Chicago for Blogher '09. However, I've found an alternative - an online party/networking dealio!

Even if you're not into the whole "Blogher" thing, you can meet new bloggers, and attract some new readers too.

So here's what you do:

Click the picture above to get the rules, put a link in your side bar & write a post telling people a little bit about you!

Have fun!

OK, here's what you "need" to know about me:

  • I'm married to Hubby - almost 10 years now!

  • I have two beautiful daughters - Cupie & Stinkles

  • I live an idealic town I call Pleasantville. It's super cute! There are lots of amenities and entertainment within walking distance. We can ride our bikes to an organic farm where they have live animals & crops. Most of the houses have front wide, deep front porches - but even if you don't have a porch we're all super friendly.

  • My family rents a garden plot at the organic farm. We can't use any chemicals and almost everything was started from organic seeds. It's a slow process and we're learning a lot. I chronicle some of it in one of my other blogs - The Goofy Gardener.

  • Speaking of which, besides this and my gardening blogs, I have one more. I have a passion for photography and I share it in Picture This . . .

  • I crochet baby blankets and knit scarves.

  • I'm really quite a DIY'er. I've made all my curtains for every home I've ever had. When I see something I really like, but can't afford, I figure out a way to either make it myself or find a frugal alternative. I'm not too shabby with a jig saw and a drill either.

  • I love to laugh and I see the good in almost every situation. Let's face it, I'm funny and I'll give you a chuckle at least a couple times a week. I crave attention and comments just feed that need so I'm looking forward to making a bunch of new people laugh.

That's just a few of the facts about me, but there is so much more. You'll just have to comb through "The Idiot Chronicles" to find out more. I've made it a little easy on you by listing my favorite posts in the sidebar.

Now go out there and meet some new people. Click the button at the top!

Silver Lining:

1. I enjoy finding new blogs to read and this is a great opportunity!

2. At least I know about Blogher now - I learned about it too late to join in the fun. Maybe next year!

17 People Laughed Along With Me, Won't You?:

Kris said...

So glad to have found your blog! It looks like a lot of fun- I will enjoy visiting often! Like yourself, I am very much into DIY and love to create as well!

Night Owl Mama said...

awww I luv your back ground its super cute

BLoggy hopin hope that you can make it by love to see you

Andrea said...

Oh you made a 3 column out of it, looks good:)

Btw, are there any cheap houses there in Pleasantville, sounds like a great place to live in:)

I am Harriet said...

What a wonderful post about you!
Stopping by via the blog hop to say hello!

JennyMac said...

What a cute idea...and now I know there are more than three people not at BlogHer. LOL.

Pollyanna said...

Thanks everyone for stopping by!

I appreciate the background love - I changed it to three column all by myself. I was sooooo nervous, I didn't want to screw it up.

Alpha - depends on what you consider cheap. Do you consider an average of $130 per sq ft cheap? To tell you the truth, I don't consider it cheap, but as I said, it's worth every penny.

Andrea Hatfield said...

Nice to meet you! I too have two children =)

I would love for you to visit me and comment on my Blog Hop Post:

amber said...

You have a great blog here - I look forward to visiting more often! You're in my bookmarked list now!

Hair Bows & Guitar Picks said...

You ARE funny and that's why I HAVE to read you, I need my daily laugh :)

Anonymous said...

I'm seriously thinking about going next year since it's in NYC.

I'm following you now. Couldn't help myself!

Beth Dargis said...

Love your positivity! Now time to go check out your garden.

JessLikesStuff said...

Hey! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I am really glad to have found yours. I live in a huge city and your Pleasantville sounds like a delightful change. I can see myself doing the smaller town thing at some point in my life, and your organic garden at the farm sounds absoultely divine! I'll be following you, for SURE!

Real Women Scrap said...

You're a photographer too! Yah, clicked over to see Picture This. Hope to see more pics from you too. Certainly helps with blogging when you can take pics to add to your posts!

Thx for stopping by my scrapbooking, just dive in and do it. Paper or digital, let go of the guilt and expectations, let go of chronological order...make it for you...for leaving a legacy...keep it simple!

Unknown said...

Thanks for visiting.

Lovely to "meet" you - sounds a wonderful place to live.

Lizz said...

Thanks for stopping by! As promised, I'm doing my belated hopping.

I have a black thumb, so I fantasize about feeding my family home grown organic veggies while I put the can and cheese on the table. *sigh*

Lizz from One Nerve Left

Unknown said...

Great blog!!
So glad that I found it..we have a ton of stuff in common!!

Eli's Lids said...

I want to move to Pleasantville and knit on my front porch!!!

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